Selected Projects for Paul Jacobson



KPMG - 2017

Review of Child Welfare Funding Model

AFN - 2017

Funding Requirements for First Nations post-secondary education

PCS/MOI 2013

Local Infrastructure Requirements

Industry Canada - 2006

Services and Manufacturing

Industry Canada - 2006

The Logistics Role in the Canadian Economy

Industry Canada - 2007

Design Sector in the Canadian Economy

Industry Canada - 2009

The Role of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services As an Input to Other Sectors

Retail Council of Canada 2005 and ongoing

The Structure of Retail Trade in Canada in 2005 and ongoing statistical and data presentations

Retail Council/HRSDC - 2009

Retail Sector Statistical Overview – prepared as part of a broader situational overview with the Innovative Research Group

Commission for the Promotion of Sustainable Child Welfare - 2010

A Funding Model For Child Welfare – prepared in conjunction with Informetrica Limited

Indian and Northern Affairs -2010

Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement: Economic Impact

Toronto Central LHIN 2009

Integrated Care Notes; A Discussion Document using European Examples to Inform Thinking on Integrated Care and Care Management - available on JCI web site

A paper summarizing some European trends in integrated health care to inform discussions within the LHIN about integrated care and care management

Toronto Central LHIN 2009

Strategy White Paper – available on JCI web site

The paper, a major LHIN strategic study, was utilized as input to the Integrated Health Services Plan.   It highlighted key service trends in TC LHIN and identified strategic issues for the LHIN including the high patient inflows. Planning and funding challenges as well as issues of equity and accountability were also studies in the report.

Informetrica Limited for the Canadian Diabetic Association -2009

Economic Costs of Diabetes – A model was developed which forecast incidence and prevalence of diabetes and associated economic costs.

Toronto Rehab Hospitals -2008

Rehabilitation and Complex Continuing Care - available on JCI web site

This paper was a literature and data review on chronic disease and disability trends for a consortium of rehabilitation hospitals in Toronto. This paper explicitly looked at chronic disease, injury and key disease trends for the Toronto area that would impact the demand for rehabilitation services

Alberta Health and Wellness – 2007

The study Opportunities and Issues with Measuring Healthcare Performance and Productivity focussed on the measurement of government productivity in the national accounts but also reviewed general performance measurement of government activities at the aggregate level.

Health Canada – Aboriginal Projects - 2006

JCI led a study entitled Chronic Disease Prevention: A Review of the Effectiveness Literature and sole authored a study entitled Expanding the Understanding of the Impacts of Aboriginal Diabetes Prevention Activities.

Health Canada 2008

Feasibility of Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Respiratory Health Framework in North of 60 Canada

Retail Council/HRSDC - 2009

Retail Sector Statistical Overview – prepared as part of a broader situational overview with the Innovative Research Group

HRSDC - 2006

An Analysis of the Relationship between Employment Insurance Illness Benefits and the Private Sector Options

Indian and Northern Affairs – Canada, 2008

A Methodology for Estimating the GDP Contributed By Aboriginal Workers in the Labour Force

Support to Strategic Planning – Bridgepoint Health (2004, 2005 and 2006)

This is an ongoing project to provide literature and trend analysis about processes, procedures and care trends relevant to Bridgepoint Health. Issues addressed have centered on Chronic Disease Management but have also covered quality and other issues.

Health Care Human Resource Modeling and Data Summary – prepared for Health Canada (ARAD) 2002

A review of employment forecasting data and literature relevant to health care human resource modeling.

Value-For-Money Review- Ontario Government 2001-2

participation in a comprehensive program review of Ontario government healthcare activities